
Who are users?

Users, in Pragmatic Tracker, are therapists, practitioners or any sort of individuals involved in the delivery of a service to their patients, clients or customers.  Users have a number of different description types: practitioner, manager and superuser.


The role of practitioners is simply to treat and monitor their clients.  They have the ability to enter new clients on to the system, to create appointments and monitor treatment. They can also view graphs and summaries of their clients' progress and reports of their own workload and their performance in carrying it out.


Managers have the same abilities as practitioners but, in addition, have supervisory responsibility for the practitioners in their practice. They can add new practitioners to the system and promote  practitioners to manager status in order to extend their permissions within their own practice.  Managers can also treat any client in their practice and can assign and re-assign clients from one practitioner to another.




Directors can be thought of as Managers with system-wide responsibilities.  As well as adding clients they can add practitioners, managers and other superusers to the system and they can add new practices as needed.



Superusers can be thought of as directors who also have responsibility for maintaining the measures that are used to evaluate Clients' progress. They can send system-wide messages to all directors, managers or practitioners in their system or to selected groups or individuals.

NOTE: In single user systems ALL users are at practitioner level.

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