Adding the first session
Having created a client you are then taken to the client home page. From here you can access all the information relevant to your client.
To create the first session for your client you simply...
'Click to add new session'
This then takes you to the appointment set-up screen. The 1st step is to choose the name of appointment type from the drop-down list. The date and time of the session can then be chosen. The date defaults to today's date and time but you can overwrite it by using the calendar or simply by entering a new date in the format xx/yy/zzzz. Any relevant notes may be made.
Selection of measures
The measures that were chosen in client profile will be preselected already. If you wish to choose additional measures for that session you may do so by selecting them here. You may also de-select measures that have been selected in 'Client Profile' if you do NOT wish to use them as this appointment.